Hoedspruit restaurants
This is not a complete list of all restaurants. Hoedspruit is developing fast and new restaurants are started regularly. As vegans/vegetarians our options are limited. We obviously have a preference for some of the restaurants.
Blue Mountain Restaurant
The Blue Mountain restaurant, situated right next to the Blyde Wildlive Estate has one of the best views in Hoedspruit. The view onto the Kleine Drakensbergen is beautiful. Obviously at night you can enjoy this a little less. The food is great and the waiters are very friendly.
The Harvest House
Recently The Harvest House opened its doors. Situated on the Zandspruit Boulevard it is a very convenient and also very good choice. Their vegetarian or vegan options still have to be developed, but quality is good and friendly owners.
The Stoned Olive Tree
Cosy and friendly ambiance. Pity they removed the lounche in the back and replaced it with tables and chairs, it still is our favourite lunch restaurant. Only open for dinner at special occasions.
Kalimambo Restaurant
Vegan friendly Indian restaurant, with inside and outside dining. One of the few restaurants that are open every night. Recommended.
The Hoedspruit Café
Open for lunch, tasteful food and a cosy ambiance. We like the buddah and falafel bowl.
The Safari Manor
If you seek the luxury safari ambiance, then visit the Safari Manor. Dining with a wonderful view on a waterhole, enlightened at night. Reservation necessary.
Three Bridges Restaurant
A little further out of town, along the R40 lies the Three Bridges. Nice views. Especially recommended when they have live music Sundays at lunch time.
The Hat and Creek
Fine restaurant when you are not a vegetarian or vegan. And … always open for lunch and dinner.